Temporary housing for the duration of the program
$200 - 300 monthly program fee (variable depending on the house available) in addition to the monthly electricity bill
Attendance at weekly peer support meetings for financial coaching
Attendance at Thursday night mentoring meetings at the Sparrow office, 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Save $ toward future housing
Work toward other goals established by your Peer Support manager & yourself
Work a job
Stay drug and alcohol free while living in the Sparrow Ministries program.
Peer Support & Thursday Mentor Meetings:
Sparrow Ministries offers a program for families seeking change. This means participants will be expected to work diligently toward attaining the goals agreed on by the participant and the peer support. Peer Support will be provided by C.H.A.N.C.E Recovery, an organization dedicated to seeking assistance for individuals with mental health or substance abuse histories. Meetings with a peer support person will be scheduled weekly and include financial coaching and getting participants connected to needed community resources.
Participation in Sparrow Ministries also involves attendance at mandatory weekly meetings. Individuals participating in Sparrow Ministries are required to meet on Thursday evenings from 6:30-8:30 pm at our Sparrow office. These meetings may include individual and group instruction on things like how to have healthy relationships, parenting aids and instruction on emotional wholeness along with practical skills in different areas. These classes will be taught from a biblical perspective.
Church attendance at the host church is encouraged as families are able since healthy network of relationships are available there that can replace negative ones. But, due to various situations, schedules and goals, a family can decide how much church involvement will work best for their family.